Odoo Troubleshooting
Docker containers not available
After a server reboot or changing the data root of the Docker daemon the containers are not available.
Ensure that the correct data-root is set.
docker info -f '{{ .DockerRootDir}}'
Check if the containers exited.
docker ps -a
Restart all stopped containers.
docker restart $(docker ps -a -q)
Cannot grab logs
When trying to show the docker logs you get this message:
error from daemon in stream: Error grabbing logs: invalid character '{' after object key:value pair
Or this message:
error from daemon in stream: Error grabbing logs: invalid character '\x00' looking for beginning of value
Clear the container logs:
docker ps -q | xargs -I {} sh -c 'truncate -s 0 $(docker inspect --format="{{.LogPath}}" {})'
Unexpected keyword
On Ubuntu 2404 when running a Docker command with Ansible this error is thrown:
Error while fetching server API version: HTTPConnection.request() got an unexpected keyword argument 'chunked'
Install the Python Docker package with pip instead of apt.