Migrate docker postgres databases with pg_dump

The secure way

Step by step tutorial to migrate database from postgres 10 to 12 using docker.

Start by setting env vars.


Backup all databases and db volumes

docker exec $DB_CONTAINER pg_dumpall --username=$DB_USER > backup.sql
docker-volume-backup -a -c $APP_CONTAINER
docker-volume-backup -a -c $DB_CONTAINER

Stop datatabase and kill volume (if volume name is the same).

docker rm -f $DB_CONTAINER
docker volume rm $VOLUME

Update the image tag and rename volume if necessary.

postgres_image: postgres:12-alpine

Deploy database container with version 12.

aplaybook -i inventories/odoo odoo.yml -l apollo -t postgres  

Restore the data.

cat backup.sql | docker exec -i $DB_CONTAINER psql -U $DB_USER

This may take a while as all statements are executed.

Restart the application container.

docker restart $APP_CONTAINER

The insecure way

Start by setting env vars.


Stop app container.

docker stop $APP_CONTAINER

Dump all databases.

docker exec $DB_CONTAINER pg_dumpall --username=$DB_USER > /var/tmp/$DB_CONTAINER/dump.sql

Update the image tag and rename volume if necessary.

postgres_image: postgres:12-alpine

Deploy database container with the new version.

aplaybook -i inventories/setup play-all.yml -l $HOST -t postgres --skip-tags depends

Restore the data.

cat /var/tmp/$DB_CONTAINER/dump.sql | docker exec -i $DB_CONTAINER psql -U $DB_USER

Start app container.

docker start $APP_CONTAINER

Test, cleanup and remove obsolete volume.

rm /var/tmp/dump.sql