Odoo Upgrade from 13.0 to 14.0
Run Upgrade
The main challenge of the upgrade process is having the filestore at the right location.
Steps to upgrade a databse.
- Set env vars
export PGHOST=localhost
export PGUSER=odoo
export PGPASSWORD=odoo
export DATABASE=erp
alias odoo-upgrade="python <(curl -s https://upgrade.odoo.com/upgrade)"
- Start local development environment
task start db,native
- Clear the local filestore and database
task drop-db erp
task clear-filestore erp
- Export remote database to local folder and restore it
odoo-backup -d $DATABASE ...
odoo-restore -f ...
- Run the upgrade script, options are
odoo-upgrade production -d $DATABASE -t 14.0
It should automatically restore the database.
- Switch local development environment to targeted version
task checkout 14.0
task start db,native
- Open http://localhost:8069/web/database/manager to get the new db name
- Test and remove unsupported modules
export DATABASE=erp_backup_2021_11_10_18_16
task remove-module $DATABASE web_diagram
task remove-module $DATABASE auth_oauth_multi_token
- Check custom modules
task odoo-cloc $DATABASE
- Export database
odoo-backup -d $DATABASE -o tmp/.../erp-14.0.zip
- Upload database to test environment
odoo-restore -d erp-dev -f tmp/.../erp-14.0.zip -r -h https://erp-dev...
Execute the same steps as for Tests except for these changes:
odoo-upgrade production -d $DATABASE -t 14.0
- Upload database to production environment
In addition you must:
- Reconnect the Odoo Subscription
Test after upgrade
Check the following Odoo features:
- Accounting QR-Code
- Dashboards
- Accounting Reconciliation
- Project Invoicing
If necessary update all modules: docker-odoo-update -c odooN -d $DATABASE
Make at least sure to upgrade localization apps such as l10n_ch
Assets not loaded
After the upgrade the filestore assets are not available.
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lib/odoo/filestore/erp/93/93132f7c7b7174981e27eeea893a1b5f860df9de'
Check filestore root@server:/mnt/server-disk2/docker/volumes/odooN/_data/filestore
Modules missing
Remove specific modules that are not supported.
task remove-module erp_test_14.0_2021_04_27_09_02 auth_oauth_multi_token
task remove-module erp_test_14.0_2021_04_27_09_02 web_company_color
Connection lost
If the connection is lost during the upgrade process, the database won't be restored.
export TOKEN=PcLKAKFELD15Eel56EbhbSwEHa9DCKTjLsoTCDZeBxgrzVb1DfW8of_Jcw
odoo-upgrade status -t $TOKEN
odoo-upgrade restore -d erp -r erp-14.0 -t $TOKEN
odoo-upgrade log -t $TOKEN
Studio customizations missing
After the restore the console show this error:
Some dependencies may be missing: ['studio_customization']
Manually export the customizations.
Prognostizierter Bestand ist nicht aktualisiert
Der Bericht Prognostizierter Bestand ist nicht aktuell.
Install stock_enterprise
Filters are missing
After an upgrade Odoo-Filters are missing.
Check Dev Tool > Manage Filters and remove the My filters filter. See if the filter still exists. If yes, create a new filter and copy the Domain value.
Project overview error
The profability overivew of a project cannot be opened as the following error occurs:
KeyError: 'expense_amount_untaxed_to_invoice'
Error to render compiling AST
KeyError: 'expense_amount_untaxed_to_invoice'
Template: unknown
Path: /qweb/div/div/div/div/div[1]/div[3]/div[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[7]
Node: <tr t-if="display_cost & (dashboard['profit']['expense_amount_untaxed_to_invoice'] != 0)">
<td class="o_timesheet_plan_dashboard_cell">
<t t-esc="dashboard['profit']['expense_amount_untaxed_to_invoice']" t-options="{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": currency}"/>
<td title="Costs from expenses that still need to be reinvoiced to your customer (provided that the Analytic Account of the Project was set on the Expense).">
To re-invoice costs
Update the sale_timesheet