Specification Uri Cloud
The Uri Cloud is communication to the VSHN Central Control Plane using the Open Service Broker API.
The interface to the Uri Cloud is an Odoo webshop. Visitors can be buy hostings from the application catalog.
flowchart LR A(Odoo) <--> B(Open Service Broker API) B <--> C(Central Control Plane)
To make this work, two things are required: Appcat Definition for Odoo and an Open Service Broker Integration.
Appcat Odoo
apiVersion: vshn.appcat.vshn.io/v1
kind: VSHNOdoo
name: acme
namespace: company-1
majorVersion: "18"
plan: plus-4
schedule: "30 23 * * *"
retention: 12
name: odoo-creds
Open Service Broker Integration
Users buy hosting subscriptions in the webshop. When a subscription is confirmed Odoo should call the Open Service Broker (OSB) API and submit the name of the organisation / project and the service.
The Odoo integration requires three modules:
- Specification Open Service Broker Client Client to communicate with Open Service Broker API.
- Specification Website Sale Open Service Broker Setup an OSB organisation in the checkout process.
- Specification Subscription OCA Open Service Broker Manage lifecycle of OSB service with subscription.