Odoo Zertifizierung
Für jede Odoo-Version werden Zertifizierungen angeboten.
Informationen von Odoo
- You only have one shot. A test lasts 60 minutes and you have 80 questions to reply to. If you fail one time, Odoo will ask you to rebuy another certification.
- The modules you need to know are: Inventory, MRP, CRM, eCommerce, Intro (=Data-Base management and settings), HR, Timesheets, Project, Accounting, Purchase, Sales and Studio
- The questions are only on the functional part of Odoo Enterprise. Not the code or technical aspects. Be very well prepared, as the test is more difficult than it seems.
- You can test your knowledge on this Sample Test: https://www.odoo.com/de_DE/slides/odoo-functional-certification-sample-test-50
- Pay attention to the negative points (-0.5 per wrong answer). If you doubt your answer, it's better to answer "I don't know".
- The wording can be quite tricky as well (sentences with double-negation, for instance).
- Don't hesitate to spend a few additional days studying by, for instance, opening a trial database, playing around with a database on runbot.odoo.com, consulting the user documentation or doing some e-learning modules that show advanced features (https://www.odoo.com/de_DE/slides)
- Btw, if you watch these e-learning videos, I advise you not only to replicate the steps that "Amy-Caroline" is making, but also to try out features she's not demonstrating (in particular those options that need to be activated in the settings of each module). -This video, that we broadcasted during the Odoo Experience may help you: Becoming an Odoo expert: how to prepare for the certification?
- Finally, the certification is a pretty cheap marketing tool as more and more customers are looking for certified partners.
- Paralell zum Odoo-Test eine Runbot-Instanz geöffnet haben, damit man die schwierigen Fragen direkt klären kann.