Odoo Build

Website: https://odoo.buildopen in new window
Repository: https://github.com/Mint-System/Odoo-Developmentopen in new window



Write xpath selectors

<!-- Attribute contains string(s) -->
<xpath expr="//div[contains(@class, 'oe_right oe_button_box')]" position="inside">...</xpath>

<!-- Last element -->
<xpath expr="//ul/li[last()]" position="after">...</xpath>
<xpath expr="//ul/li[@class='nav'][last()]" position="after">...</xpath>

<!-- First element -->
<xpath expr="//ul[1]]" position="after">...</xpath>

<!-- Last li of first ul -->
<xpath expr="//ul[1]/li[last()]]" position="after">...</xpath>

Log message

Use the snippet below to log a message.

import logging


Translate Odoo apps

We use Transifex for automated translations. Manual translations are done directly in the .po file.

Translations are collected here.

Edit Odoo source in Docker container

Navigate to /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/addons/ and edit source files.

Extend database expiration

Navigate to Settings > Technical > System Parameters and update the expiration date for the database.

Odoo Transfer

See the Odoo Transfer - Worklog

Datenbankmanager deaktivieren

Der Datenbankmanager kann nach Bedarf deaktiviert werden. Möchte man beispielsweise eine Odoo Installation für mehrere Kunden bereitstellen und vermeiden, dass diese die Datenbank des jeweils anderen im Login-Fenster sehen, kann man die Auflistung der Datenbank deaktivieren.

Dazu muss in der odoo.conf Datei der foglende Eintrag gemacht werden: list_db = False

Ist diese Option eingeschaltet, kann eine Datenbank-Auswahl nur noch über Url erfolgten. Beispielsweise ruft der folgende Link die Odoo Login-Maske auf (sofern ausgeloggt) und selektiert die Datebank "Test": https://odoo.example.com/web/?db=Test. Ist der Datenbankmanager deaktiviert, sieht der Benutzer nur das Benutzername- und Passwortfeld.


ERROR: relation "ir_module_module" does not exist


When initalizing a database this error occurs:

2021-10-28 06:40:29,512 134944 INFO ? odoo.modules.loading: init db
2021-10-28 06:40:30,394 134944 ERROR ? odoo.sql_db: bad query: UPDATE ir_module_module SET state='installed' WHERE state IN ('to remove', 'to upgrade')
ERROR: relation "ir_module_module" does not exist
LINE 1: UPDATE ir_module_module SET state='installed' WHERE state IN...

2021-10-28 06:40:30,394 134944 ERROR ? odoo.modules.registry: Failed to load registry
2021-10-28 06:40:30,394 134944 CRITICAL ? odoo.service.server: Failed to initialize database `odoo`.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/janikvonrotz/Odoo-Development/odoo/odoo/modules/registry.py", line 89, in new
    odoo.modules.load_modules(registry._db, force_demo, status, update_module)
  File "/home/janikvonrotz/Odoo-Development/odoo/odoo/modules/loading.py", line 377, in load_modules
  File "/home/janikvonrotz/Odoo-Development/odoo/odoo/modules/db.py", line 57, in initialize
    info['website'], i, info['name'],
KeyError: 'name'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/janikvonrotz/Odoo-Development/odoo/odoo/service/server.py", line 1199, in preload_registries
    registry = Registry.new(dbname, update_module=update_module)
  File "/home/janikvonrotz/Odoo-Development/odoo/odoo/modules/registry.py", line 91, in new
  File "/home/janikvonrotz/Odoo-Development/odoo/odoo/modules/loading.py", line 590, in reset_modules_state
    "UPDATE ir_module_module SET state='installed' WHERE state IN ('to remove', 'to upgrade')"
  File "<decorator-gen-3>", line 2, in execute
  File "/home/janikvonrotz/Odoo-Development/odoo/odoo/sql_db.py", line 101, in check
    return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/janikvonrotz/Odoo-Development/odoo/odoo/sql_db.py", line 298, in execute
    res = self._obj.execute(query, params)
psycopg2.ProgrammingError: relation "ir_module_module" does not exist
LINE 1: UPDATE ir_module_module SET state='installed' WHERE state IN...


See the init-db function and switch the install strategy.

sqlite3 module not found


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_sqlite3'


Install library and reinstall python.

sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev
pyenv install 3.7.2